Alliance Française de Stellenbosch

You can now write the DELF/DALF exam in Stellenbosch

DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are official qualifications issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify French language proficiency of non-native speakers. 

  • Diplomas are awarded by the French Ministry of Education and accepted worldwide including the government of Quebec in Canada.
  • Exams are held world-wide and conducted under the supervision of the French Embassy of respective countries, at accredited official examination centres.
  • The DELF-DALF structure is modeled on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which serves as an international reference in the organisation of language teaching and certification.
  • Candidates having earned the DALF are exempted from language entrance examinations in French universities.
  • Candidates having earned the DELF / DALF diplomas earn extra points for immigration to countries such as Canada and their chances of employment increase. All candidates applying to immigrate to Quebec, Canada, must have DELF A1, as well as IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

Please note that registration closes one week before the exam.

We offer DELF DALF preparation courses.

Please note that a group class starts with 6 participants minimum.

Fees for groups:

For a smaller group or private class, please contact us.

DELF DALF Registration Form 2024

Registration form DELF DALF exam 2024 – Alliance Française Stellenbosch

Choose your DELF DALF exam session

Please contact us here.